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Palace Story Nook

Welcome to the Palace Story Nook! A cozy corner of the Palace where we keep special stories written about the residents who live in the Kingdom of Goatlings. Pull up a comfy chair, grab a warm blanket, and join us for a delightful tale.

Goatlings Gazette

Issue 01 - Spring 2014

Issue 02 - Summer 2014

Issue 03 - Fall 2014

Issue 04 - General issue 2015

Issue 05 - Fall 2015

Issue 06 - Winter 2015

Issue 07 - Fall 2016

Issue 08 - Spooky Stories Fall 2016

Official Stories

A Tale of Two Goatlings - Written by Krisgoat
A mysterious baddy appears in Palace Town to challenge everyone in the Battle Center.
Why do they seem so familiar? Like a long lost friend...

A Shop Fit For A Prince - Written by Krisgoat
The Prince is back but is having a hard time fitting in. The Princess has an idea...