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Event Calendar

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2024 - Year 13

Keep track of upcoming events, baddy schedule, and updates!

January - Winter Season
Yeti and Minions appear at Battle Center
2024 "Year of the" Baddy appear at Battle Center (will stay the whole year)

February - Winter Season
Cootie Baddy and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Sweetheart's Celebration
Winter Token Game ends

March - Spring Season
Trileaf Clover and Minions appear at Battle Center
Spring Goat Token game opens

April - Spring Season
Spring Bunny and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Jestling's Jest Event

May - Spring Season
Sleepy Sunflower and Minions appear at Battle Center
Spring Goat Token Game ends

June - Summer Season
Heatwave and Minions appear at Battle Center
Justice June - Charity Fundraiser
Summer Goat Token game opens

July - Summer Season
Squid Kid and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Summer Night Carnival

August - Summer Season
Phoenix Fox and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Summer Night Carnival Part 2
Summer Goat Token Game ends

September - Fall Season
Cold Frisson and Minions appear at Battle Center
Fall Goat Token game opens

October - Fall Season
Scarecrow and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Monster Masquerade

November - Fall Season
Frost Guardian and Minions appear at Battle Center
Fall Goat Token Game ends

December - Winter Season
Surprise Box and Minions appear at Battle Center
Special Event - Sugarstar Festival
"Year of the" Baddy will retire
Everyone receives a Year 13 Badge
Winter Goat Token game opens

Weekly Events
Wednesday - Sugarstar Raffle Drawn
Saturday - Saturday Night Bidding Wars and Goatling Spotlight
Sunday - Lucky Numbers Drawn

Monthly Events
Referral Contest - 1st of the month
Highscores Reset - 1st of the month
Treasure Trivia - 1st week of the month
New Battle Center Baddy arrives - Starts 1st week of the month
Design-A-Goatling Contest Event - Starts 1st week of the month
Studio Blu winners announced - 1st week of the month

Bi-Monthly Events
Seasonal Goat Token Game - Starts 2nd or 3rd week of the month
Seasonal Diamond Dust Lucky Boxes - Starts 1st or 2nd week of the month

Yearly Events
"Year of the" Battle Center Baddy - All year
Collectible Badge for year - Dec 31 to Jan 3rd