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Programing Update!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-21 02:00:03
+ News navigation button will now say "Updated" when new News is posted!
The button will return to normal after it is clicked.

+ Random Events are now dropping items including the elusive Midnight Moon AD!
More items will be added overtime!

+ Creative Writing Nook section added to the forums.
Share your written works here. Stories, fan lore, poems, and more!

+ Give love limit is now set to every 3 hours instead of every 6.

+ Daily Gachapon is now dropping all intended prizes.

+ Auction timestamps are now shown as hours, minutes, and seconds.

+ Inventory Stacked/Normal mode preference is now saved.

+ Pet order now affects drop down menu order in the Battle Center.

+ Age 13 and younger can no longer access the forums, Goatmail, and Clubs as a protective measure. We know this caused a few accidental age blocks for older members. If you are still unable to access the forums even though you are over 13 please send in a Support Ticket and we will fix you up. Ages 13 and younger are still able to send in Support Tickets.

+ Bad word filter added to forums to help keep things clean.

+ Silence feature added forums to give anyone a 24 hour break to cool off if needed.

+ Battle lag removed and fixed up to be lag free from now on.

+ The following users have had their Club admins powers restored: @Rivaille @Aubreebree @witch @lancefaire @HorizontalGoat @souji @Magikarpstuck @aurelia
If your club Admin rank is still un-restored please send in a Support Ticket.

+ You can now block, and unblock, specific members from sending you Goatmail.

+ Site Staff can now force change pet names if needed.

13 and younger
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-20 04:54:37
Almost everyone is back to normal now regarding the age block issue.
If you are still having problems send in a Ticket and we will fix you up! :)

Click Here to write a Ticket.

P.S. It would be helpful if you update your old tickets to "its working now" if the forums/Goatmail are working now! Thank you!

13 and younger
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-19 11:29:09
We know a few of you are having issues with the new age limit on the forums and Goatmail. Its because of the way some members b-days were recorded in the database. It needs to be in this order: month date year. And some were out of order.

EDIT: Almost everyone is back to normal now. If you are still having problems send in a Ticket and we will fix you up! :)

Click Here to write a Ticket.

P.S. It would be helpful for us to update your old tickets if the forums are now working for you! ^^ (Just put something like "its working now"). Thank you!

Trileaf and Minions!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-12 09:35:08

Trileaf is BACK in the Battle Center! And this time he's brought minions! Train up your main battlegoat or start a fresh faced warrior! Trileaf and his tricky trio have brought along pots of goat gold! If you can impress them in battle they may just share it with you. However, you will only get to take one coin at a time from the pots. Will you be lucky enough to get the right coin? Turn your goat coins in to the crafting area for a very Lucky Appearance Doll!

Trileaf and his minions should stick round until April 14th. Their loot (excluding stamps) will retire then as well.

Lucky is a member created design by @Elf ! Make sure to give them some extra love today!

Programing Update
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-12 08:41:06
+ Active Goatling is now displayed under your HA buddy in forums.

+ Added pet name search to site navigation bar. (Displays pet and owner) Limited to 200 results per search.

+ Usernames and Pet names can now have underscores in them!

+ Item stacking toggle now available on inventory page. Just click the Stacked Mode link. (I will see if we can get it to remember to stay on stacked mode once you activate it).

+ Club Level/Member Rank page updated to be more understandable.

+ Fixed Club forum thread error.

+ You can now reorder the position of your pets on your profile.
Click My Stuff, then My Goatlings, the click Organize My Goatlings.
Changes are made on your profile, and the My Goatlings page.
(I will see if we can get it to update Battle Center drop down menus too.)

New Goat Princess Tshirt Design in Gift Shop!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-11 10:02:32

New Goat Princess tshirt design available in our Redbubble gift shop! You can choose your shirt color, style, and size. Also choose from hoodies or zip-ups! Stickers are also available of this design. Just click the image above to visit the store.

Big Programing Update!!!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-05 06:28:46
As some of you have already begun to notice, we have had a large programing update! Many little features and fixes have been implemented!

+ Error removed when you view your own Auctions.

+ Member Shop item max price is now 100,000,000 (old max price was 250K) A reminder of this is now on the Shop Stock page where you update your shop item prices.

+ Select All buttons have been added to the Item Sorter. Just click the title of the row you want to select everything on. (like Move To Storage and Move To Shop )

+ Owner name is now displayed in Member Shops.

+ Line breaks now work in Goatmail.

+ Display name colors and icon now show in Goatmail.

+ Goatmail page turn is now working.

+ Live Chat page is now error free.

+ Live Chat online display box is now working properly.

+ You can now remove items from your HA Buddy if you have reached the limit of 20 items.

+ Trade bugs fixed. (But it needs to be tested out really good to make sure!)

+ In trades, if you hover your mouse over a retired item it will now say that it is retired in the popup info box. However auctioned items don't have that notice yet - we are still working on getting that notice added around the site.

+ Forum pings should work better now but it needs testing. Let me know if you guys are still missing a lot of your pings.

+ Surrendering a Goatling errors have been fixed.

+ Baddy hit-points have been cut in half so you'll be able to battle with them longer.

+ Explore Area loot (like drinks and grass pizza) drop at a rarer rate. These "trash" items will soon be removed from that area and replaced with a Sugarstar item that is worth more at the Pawn Shop.

+ Normal Baddy loot drops should be back to normal.

+ Pet gender can now be updated by going to MyStuff then MyGoatlings then click Change Gender & Description. Current genders may have been switched around a little because of this update so you should double check them to make sure they are correct.

+ Pet gender is now shown in pet profiles.

+ Support Ticket system is now up if you need to ask a Admin or GM for help or to report something. A link for it can be found at the bottom of each page (just click Support). The system is still brand new so we may need to refine a thing or two but it should be in working order. http://www.goatlings.com/support/create


Important Notes:

- For now, please don't use commas in starting bid prices in auctions - as well as in shop item prices. If you do, an item that you want to sell for 1,000 SS will sell for 1 SS. We are still working on that bug. A reminder to not use commas has been added to those areas.

- For Forum Games. These can affect server speed if they get to big. The database can get really laggy when grabbing lots of data like thousands of forum replys in one topic. Rite now, the forums should be able to cope with what we have rite now, but as we get more and more members it could lag the site if we encourage to many forum games. Because of this we wont be creating a forum games category.

- We double checked Triple Scoop and isn't bugged. A lot of people just play it at once and its easy to lose track of the jackpot.

Gem Bows!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-03 10:03:38

Wondering what to do with all those sparkly Princess Quest rewards? You can now craft them into gem studded bows for you HA Buddy! Click here to visit the craft keeper.

Zodiac Event - Pisces Winners!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-03 08:24:40

The votes are in for the Pisces Zodiac entries! Thank you all for submitting so many amazing designs! Now, ONTO THE WINNERS!

347 @myouna - First Place
217 @xuu - Runner Up
206 @ferretparty - Honorable Mention
112 @Aethubryn
84 @Cometkins
84 @sourgoat
33 @StarrySeas
16 @vampiric
15 @plantrecords

Congratulations everyone! Myouna's Pisces design is now available in the Appearance Doll Shop located in the Shopping District!

All design participants will receive a Pisces Shells and a Pisces Dress item for their HA buddy! These items are also now stocked in the HA Buddy Boutique! Prizes have been distributed! Thank you all for participating!

LE Sweethearts Icon
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-03-03 05:01:24

A little late, but the February limited edition Display Name Icon is now available in the Cash Shop (under limited edition) and will retire on March 31st! Members who made Sweethearts Day cards for everyone have been send a free icon as a little thank you!

@cinnristreusel @Elf @GoatPrince @Komaeda @Loki @ruu @sinny

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