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Gift Shop
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-21 08:19:28

There has been a little update to the Goatlings Gift Shop! The main gift shop is now located at Redbubble. You can now get awesome Goatling stickers, tshirts, and hoodies there! The old gift shop was located at Storenvy.com. It is on hiatus rite now but we may reopen it again in the future for snugable Goatling plushies!

Maneki Nekoling AD
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-21 01:06:48
It's just been one week since we reopened the site and we are so happy and grateful for all of our super fun and active members!! YOU guys make this site so welcoming and friendly so THANK YOU and keep it up!

This special Goatling has been prepared to thank the generous supporters who have purchased Diamond Dust! All funds go to paying off the programing bill so it really helps the site! He can be found in the Cash Shop! This special Goatling is a member design by Ninth! Make sure to give them a little love today as thanks!

Craft Ethosling Appearance Doll
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-20 02:26:27

If you've been battling the special Year of the Horse baddy Ethos, you may be wondering what to do with all those beautiful gems?! Well, you can now craft a Ethosling Appearance Doll from a Ethos Gem 1, Ethos Gem 2, and Ethos Gem 3! To craft, just go to the Shopping District (click 'Shop' in the left menu) then scroll down to the Members Alley and click Crating! If you forget what items are needed to make something check out the recipe books! Keep saving the other gems for another awesome craft coming soon!

Bug & Error Fixes!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-20 01:16:00
Not 100% done but we got most of them! Thank you for your patience while we get things refined!

Recent Fixes:
+ Club Posts now ping users
+ Club pings will only work for members that are member's of the club.
+ You can now change a member's rank in your club by going to the Rank Page
+ Forum Topics now Ping users
+ Random log-outs should be fixed.
Let me know if anyone is still being logged out after clicking a certain link and let me know what link it was.
+ Added link to member's Club on their profile
+ Newest Goatling image now displayed on homepage
+ Newest item names now displayed on homepage
+ Fixed Storage page bug (let me know if this works now guys!)
+ Health Potion tab added to Item List in Archive
+ Battle Opponents now drop SS when you win
+ Fixed Referral links
+ Crafting is ready to go so you'll be able to trade those Ethos Gems in soon!*
+ Auctions are working again
+ Level Up Gemdrops now work normally

* You can go ahead and trade in Ethos Gem 1, Ethos Gem 2, and Ethos Gem 3 for a Ethosling AD. There will be a proper News entry about this soon!

Wishing Well Wishes Granted! Display Name Icon Theme!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-17 07:39:09

Congratulations to the following members for having their wishes come true!

@sstwins, @backgammon, @cloudysky, @BriarRose, @kolae, @Stimpaks, and @Cookie. Their items will be sent to them shortly.

Everyone else can get the Apple Bite Icon, Crescent Moon Icon, Kitty Face Icon, Neko Face Icon, and Taiyaki Icon in the Display Name Icons Shop at the Shopping District.

Falling Star Icon and Lollipop Icon can be found in the VIP shop at the Shopping District.

To remind everyone, the magic of the wishing well fairy only works with NEW items. Not items that have already been discovered in the Goatlings world. If you wish for something that already exists, and your wish was granted, you'll receive something similar.

My Lovely Horses now at Toy Shop!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-17 07:06:10

The Toy Shop is now stocking some precious My Lovely Horses!


Recent Fixes:
For those who couldn't find Flanling, Sprinkeling, and Shamrockling in Misty Meadows, you'll find them now!

New Goatling in the Enchanted Forest
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-16 02:38:08

A new Goatling has been spotted lurking around the 2nd area of the Enchanted Forest! Its the Dark Fairyling! If you challenge this Goatling you may walk away with a Dark Fairyling Potion or even an Appearance Doll!

The Light Fairyling from map 1 is now dropping Light Fairy Potions.


The Light and Dark Fairylings are a member designed pet by darkmiel. Give them some love!


Recent Fixes:
Healing items are now working properly!

WB Giftling
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-16 01:12:18

Hope you are enjoying your time back on Goatlings! As a special gift to welcome you all back this WB Giftling AD has been gifted to everyone who has created an account before Jan 16th 6:10pm GoatTime. For those who missed it, or just want another one, they are now stocked in the Appearance Dolls shop.

Thank you!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-15 03:47:26
Thank you everygoat for making the grand reopening a exiting and successful event!! A lot of little bugs and errors have been found and we are working to get everything in tip top shape! Please keep in mind that this is a 100% brand new website. The old coding was thrown out and rebuilt from scratch so there are still many things to tweak and balance. We really appreciate your patience in this crazy busy time!

Recent fixes:
+ Diamond Dust now automatically adds to the account after buying
+ Remedies And Elixirs shop is now open to all members and the VIP shop is restricted to Crown Accounts
+ Fixed errors on buddies page

Important loggin info!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-01-13 11:02:10


To get back into your old account please reset your password using the email you used to register your account. CLICK HERE for PW reset page If you cant remember it, send me a email to krisgoat@krisgoat.com - give me your username and Ill let you know the email but I cannot change it.

Head straight to the registration page

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