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Princess Gift 2 of 2!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-17 03:15:13

Greetings fanlings!

As an apology for the downtime last month, and lateness of recent updates, we have prepared another exclusive item for everyone who made it through these hard times.

Visit the Princess to receive Glitch Wings and 10,000 Sugar Stars!!!!

and enter the code:

This will only be available until about 07:00 pm GoatTime tomorrow so make sure to nab it while you can.

Thank you all very much for your patience as we get things back on track!

Princess Gift -1 of 2!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-16 02:24:45

Greetings fanlings!

As an apology for the downtime last month, and lateness of recent updates, we have prepared another exclusive item for everyone who made it through these hard times.

Visit the Princess to receive a Glitch Mark and 10,000 Sugar Stars!!!!

and enter the code:

This will only be available until about 05:00 am GoatTime tomorrow so make sure to nab it while you can.

Thank you all very much for your patience as we get things back on track!

Summer Token Game NOW OPEN!!!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-16 01:48:58


The 5 Enter To Win Raffle winners for 50 Goat Tokens each are:


Congratulations! Find more Goat Tokens in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events,
Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game).

Summer Token Game - NEW ITEMS Preview!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-16 01:16:17

The Token Game is a seasonal event where members trade Goat Tokens for exclusive goodies. Goat Tokens are special coins members can find around the site all year long. They are available in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events, Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game). Sometimes they are also given to members as prizes during events and contests.

The Token Game changes with each season (4 games for 4 seasons). Each season a new Guardian will arrive and exchange Goat Tokens for their treasure. The treasure will not retire but will only be available during the appropriate season. For example, the Summer Token game is only open in the Summer. However, MORE treasure will be added each year! Goat Tokens can be used in every season.

Summer Token Game Schedule = June, July, August

--- --- ---

The Summer Token game will open again shortly. While it is being prepared, let's give a quick shout out and thank you to the talented members who submitted their designs this season! What new items are you looking forward to the most?

Fishing Goatling by @LenamiLove

Seashells Goatling by @iwasbored

Watermelon AD Goatling by @Lostysaur

Pet Barnacle by @Vincent | Seashell Axe by @Stahl | Shark Cookie @tada

Honey Bun, Mermaid Bun, Lavender Twin Tails, Matcha Twin Tails, Blonde Twin Tails, Lavender Seaside Hair, Matcha Seaside Hair, Blonde Seaside Hair by @Hotarubi

Photo Veil by @r00p | Melon Munch Mouth and Straw Hat by @Viyrin

Pink Mermaid Tail, Blue Mermaid Tail, Purple Mermaid Tail, Galaxy Mermaid Tail by Viyrin

Daisy Headscarf, Slice Of Life Headscarf, Galaxy Headscarf, by @Bumblebunnii

Water Hair by @ladybug | Purple and White Squid Hat by @Pit | Pink and Blue Shark Friend by @LenamiLove

Coral Reef BG by @LenamiLove | Firefly BG by @witico

Lobster Icon by @Stahl | Narwhal Icon by @therachelofaspens | Sailboat and Crab Icon by @vinegar | Squid Kid Icon by @Rider

--- --- ---

Another announcement will be made once the Raffle is over and the Summer Token game has been opened so stay tuned! Thank you all!

Summer Token Game Coming Soon!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-15 01:32:17
Greetings Fanlings!

The highly anticipated Summer Goat Token game is scheduled to open a little later today! While we are getting things set up, we will be hosting a Goat Token giveaway and Raffle!

As always, you can get a free Goat Token and 3,000 Sugar Stars from the Princess by visiting her in the Palace and entering the code word SUMMER.

Enter for a chance to win 50 Goat Tokens! The fee is 1,000 Sugar Stars, and everyone who enters will receive one Goat Token! Right before the Summer Goat Token Game opens, we will randomly select 5 lucky members to win 50 Goat Tokens!

The giveaway and raffle will close right before the Summer Goat Token Game opens, follow along with our schedule below!

Preparing items
Uploading items
Sneak peek and thank yous in the News
Updating game
Token Raffle ends and winners are selected --- We are here!
Summer Goat Token Game OPENS! --- We are here!

June - Treasure Trivia!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-14 06:00:53
"Oh hey! Did you see that new item being stocked in the shops? I want 20! I just love collecting new items for my treasure. I keep an inventory of my collection in this book so I can make sure I don't miss one. Although, I spilled my drink on this page and now the image is smudged. Of course I can still tell what it is. If you can, I'll give you one of my duplicate items!"

Click here to play Treasure Trivia now!

Win a Baby Sling and 3,000 Sugar Stars! This item is also now permanently stocked at the HA Buddy Boutique.

Note: New Treasure Trivia games start within the first week of each month. Treasure Trivia prizes do NOT retire. The prize is typically a special new Shopping District item.

Mini Update!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-14 05:45:03

The White Beard has been fixed and is now stocking in the HA Buddy Face Space with the others! Sorry for any inconvenience this caused and thank you for your patience everyone!

Treasure Trivia Update coming next! (Baby Sling!)

June Raffle Winner!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2017-06-14 12:00:11
The Raffle has been drawn. Congratulations to Jorja who has won 941500 Sugar Stars!!!

June Lucky Number Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2017-06-11 12:00:04
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.


Katsutos won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 4, 2 and 4! They won 56333 SS!
Katsutos won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 4, 2 and 4! They won 56333 SS!
Katsutos won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 4, 2 and 4! They won 56333 SS!

Goatling Spotlight! Cyrie!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2017-06-10 08:36:53

Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Cyrie!

Name: Cyrie
Appearance Doll: Sky Diamond AD
Guardian: @LibraWings Give Love!
Bio: Cyrie often ends up in situations he doesn't want to be in simply by being too much of a nice guy. He has difficulty saying no to anyone and anything. Luckily he hangs around a crowd who will not use this quirk for ill; but it is still something he needs to work on. Cyrie is a sentimental goatling who always tries his best.

Favorite Treasure
Bottled Sunlight | Jar Of Lemonade | Sun Icon

Art by LibraWings

CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!

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